Vile Church

Langerodde 1A
7870 Roslev

Kirkeruden i Vile Kirke

The church of Vile is a roman church build in the 11.-12.-centuries. During this period nearly all churches were build all over Denmark.
These buildings are very solid  using granite stones in the walls. Nearly all of them have white walls on the outsides and also on the church towers.
Several of these churches can be seen in the landshapes  placed in the center of the population and very often with surrounding beatifull views over the country sides.
The glass mosaic in Vile church was placed  in 2001 in the eastern wall of the church just over the alter.
The mosaic was worked out in collaboration with the glassmaster Per Hebsgaard. ”Antic” glass i.e. mouth blown glass from France, where several hundred colour nuances can be choosen, is used in the mosaic.
The glasses  have variable thickness giving the possibility of variations of the colours in relation to the light from outside. During services, which nearly always is in the morning in Denmark, sunshine will produce several colours on the thick wall, where the mosaic is placed. The small pieces of glass in the mosaic are glued together, so you avoid the black lead lines often seen in older glass mosaics.

The motive in the mosaic is the light coming from God down to the earth, but it is clear, that  figure of Christ can faintly be seen in the mosaic. This specific motive in the mosaic was not planned, but became visible, when the mosaic was placed in the church. The church of Vile is a roman church build in the 11.-12.-centuries. During this period nearly all churches were build all over Denmark.
These buildings are very solid using granite stones in the walls. Nearly all of them have white walls on the outsides and also on the church towers.
Several of these churches can be seen in the landshapes placed in the center of the population and very often with surrounding beatifull views over the country sides.